Top 10 Harm Reduction Names You Should Know.
—Psychology Today
Provocative and insightful, "Kicking and Screaming" is filled with numerous personal stories from the inside of both 12-Step and harm reduction. It is the first book of its kind, answering the question, "What is harm reduction really and what would the founders of AA actually have thought of it?" "Kicking and Screaming" is a blueprint for a new road to recovery - a new look at recovery - and acts as a bridge between 12-Step and harm reduction for the next generation.
"Meet Dee-Dee Stout". An interview with certified parent coach Cathy Taughinbaugh.
FB Live event on Harm Reduction hosted by "Moms for All Paths to Recovery" with Dr. Andrew Tatarsky (Center for Optimal Living, NYC) and Prof. Dee-Dee Stout, MA (Dee-Dee Stout Consulting, Bay Area, CA)
Join me on the Life Process Show on Drugs, Addiction, and HARM REDUCTION (Kicking and Screaming) More information at https://lifeprocessprogram.com/
Join Director Adam Finberg and Producer Greg Horvath on April 26th at 7:45 pm for the WORLD PREMIERE of The Business of Recovery at the Newport Beach Film Festival. A second screening has been added on April 28th at 5:00 pm. There will also be a panel of experts - some of whom were interviewed for this film - after the screening on Sunday eve. Please plan to join us!
More information at http://www.thebusinessofrecovery.com/#

DEE-DEE STOUT ON PENN & TELLER'S BULLSHIT! (SEASON 2, EPISODE 11). Video not available for viewing here.
The 10 Harm Reduction Names You Should Know: I am deeply honored to be named in an article in Psychology Today by Adi Jaffe, PhD as one of the "Top 10 Harm Reduction Names You Should Know" recently! See the entire article here. (from Psychology Today, Spring 2019)
I had the chance to talk with Brenda Zane on her podcast, Hopestream, about how parents can use a combination of CRAFT, motivational interviewing and harm reduction strategies to help their kids who are misusing substances. You'll even get to listen in on a role-play we did between a worried mom and her daughter who is using street-Xanax. Take a listen here!
Brenda Zane at brendazane.com
I was interviewd by Glenn and Sebastian from the Podcast Talking to Change. You can follow them on twitter www.twitter.com/changetalking. Sebastian at www.twitter.com/sgkfromnc and Glenn at www.twitter.com/glennhinds
Click on the links below to listen to these great and informative podcasts.